A $600,000 Mistake!
A $600,000 Mistake!
“Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that Cost the Company $600,000. No, I replied, I just spent $600,000 Training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience?” – Thomas John Watson Sr., IBM
Many of us won’t have the same answer as Thomas John Watson if an Employee’s Mistake had cost our company that huge Amount Of Money, but at least we might agree that one of the ways that teach a person a lesson is to Make a Mistake, while another way is Training.
A recent survey indicates that 40% of Employees who get weak job Training quit their job within the first year. Training is essential for knowledge Transfer. It’s very important to share knowledge among your employees. It adds Flexibility and Efficiency. You can cross-train employees to be knowledgeable in more than one field of Business. You can conduct Training Sessions for the employees to be competent in sales, customer service, administration and operations. This will help keep them interested and will be enormously helpful to you when setting schedules or filling in for absences. Cross-training also fosters team spirit, as employees appreciate the challenges faced by co-workers. Training even promotes the job satisfaction. Encouraging employees to develop more skill sets will drive them to be loyal to the company. The more engaged and involved they are in working for your success, the better your rewards.
As a conclusion, Training will reduce the rate of turnover, increase job satisfaction, enhance your employee’s skills and reduce the number of mistakes that might happen due to lack of knowledge as well as increase the employee’s motivation and ability to work. Corporate Training
Tag:Human Resources