Time for Evaluation
Time for Evaluation
Measuring the effectiveness of the training programs consumes valuable time and resources, Many training programs fail to deliver the expected benefits. The Kirkpatrick Model is a worldwide standard for evaluating the effectiveness of training. It considers the value of any type of training, formal or informal, across four levels, each of the four levels provides valuable information that together create an evidence for the effectiveness of the training program. Time for Evaluation
The Kirkpatrick Four levels Time for Evaluation
Level 1 – Reaction
Typical questions concern the degree to which the experience was valuable , whether the trainees felt engaged, and whether they felt the training was relevant. Training organizations use that feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of the training, students’ perceptions, and potential future improvements.
Level 2 – Learning
This level measures the degree to which trainees acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes as a result of the training. This level is used by trainers to determine if training objectives are being met. Only by determining what trainees are learning, and what they are not, organizations can make the necessary improvements. Level 2 can be completed as a pre- and post-event evaluation, or only as a post-evaluation.
Level 3 – Behavior
Level 3 measures the degree to which Trainees’ behaviors change as a result of the training ,whether the knowledge and skills from the training are then applied on the job. This measurement can be, a reflection of whether trainees actually learned the subject material. Level 3 evaluation involves both pre- and post-event measurement of the learner’s behavior.
Level 4 – Results
This level seeks to determine the tangible outcome of the training such as: reduced cost, improved quality, increased productivity, increased sales..etc. While such benchmarks are not always easy to quantify, doing so is the only way organizations can determine the return on investment (ROI) of the training.
Kirkpatrick also had listed conditions that must be met for change to happen :
✅ a desire to change.
✅ know what to do and how to do it .
✅ work in the right climate.
✅ reward for changing.
Since Kirkpatrick established his original model, other theorists like Jack Phillips, and Kirkpatrick himself, have referred to a possible fifth level, which is the ROI (Return On Investment). Some training professionals consider ROI analysis to be one method for determining the results of Kirkpatrick’s fourth level of evaluation. Others consider ROI its own level and make it the 5th level of evaluation. In any case, this method is an effective way to measure the success of the training program.
Tag:Human Resources