i-Power | How to Be Powerful
How to Be Powerful
For sure being physically strong and powerful is a good thing to be, however, being mentally and psychologically powerful is much more important and crucial in our day to day life.
Unfortunately, some people misunderstand the clue behind having a powerful /strong personality and misuse it by practicing their dictatorship and sadism over others, or dictating people what to do and what not to do, instead of using it as a tool of success in life.
Here are 8 tips which could help us to strengthen our Personalities:
- Be Yourself (“Be yourself, but always your better self” Karl G. Maeser):
Don’t accept beliefs or behaviors which don’t reflect your cultural background, norms, customs, and identity. Accept what really matches you, while at the same time remain flexible to change any wrong thoughts and listen to other points of view.
- Treat Yourself (Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated” Lou Holtz):
You need to be respected from others; first you have to respect their norms, customs, thoughts, beliefs, and also their professions and remember that, for every action there is a reaction equal in value but opposite in direction.
- You Decide (“Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny” Bob Marley)
Don’t hesitate to get consultancy from wise and trustworthy people in your life, while at the same time make the decision that serves your goals and matches your personality. Additionally, avoid hesitation, as it may ruin your life. Hesitation could be avoided by training yourself to think first before acting, also by giving yourself a time limit; once you reach it, take the action.
- Say No (“Learning to say no can earn you respect from yourself as well as those around you” Auliq Ice)
Do not accept coercion; when you are asked or forced to do something you are not convinced with or conflicting with your own values and beliefs, it’s time to say no.
However, try to do this without hurting others as well as justifying your No by identifying some rational reasons.
- Be SMART (“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things” Albert Einstein):
For sure being mentally smart is a good thing; however I mean to be SMART in your goals and objectives in life; Specify what you really need to achieve, Measure the risks as well as the outcomes, Achieve your goals by developing your skills, attitudes, and abilities, be Realistic by identifying whether you do really have the motive and willing to achieve these objectives or not, and finally be Timed; work within a time frame to achieve your goals.
- No More Assumptions (“You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions” Denis Waitley) :
Some of us build their life based on irrational assumptions, like for example: “What If I fail?”, while ignoring the other probability; “what if I succeeded!!” Be more positive, as long as you are very well planned, organized, and calculating the expected risks, go on and fear nothing.
- Show Your Power (“I do believe in praising that deserves to be praised” Dean Smith):
If people are praising you don’t say “this is not correct”, or “thanks for this compliment”, instead say “Thank you”. Don’t hesitate to declare your skills and abilities but at the right time and place. Simultaneously, you have to really know your own weakness points and work on improving them.
- Be Grateful (Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” Oprah Winfrey):
Look at every single thing you have in life and be grateful that you have it, don’t take it for granted, it’s a gift from God to make you feel happy, relaxed, supported, and Powerful!
Mr.Sherif Rashwan
Tag:Business Skills