4 Categories for a Good Time Management Skills

]Being successful at work depend on having a great time management skills which means being effective as well as efficient. In other words, work on the tasks that are important but not urgent as we work on the urgent ones. So what is the difference between important and urgent tasks?
Important: Tasks which have a great impact on achieving the organization goals as well as personal goals.
Urgent: Tasks which require immediate action even they are important or not.
Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle
Then use the strategies described below to schedule your activities.
Important and Urgent
There are two distinct types of urgent and important activities: ones that you could not have foreseen, and others that you’ve left until the last minute.
You can eliminate last-minute activities by planning ahead and avoiding procrastination .
However, you can’t always predict or avoid some issues and crises. Here, the best approach is to leave some time in your schedule to handle unexpected issues and unplanned important activities. (If a major crisis arises, then you’ll need to reschedule other tasks.)
If you have a lot of urgent and important activities, identify which of these you could have foreseen, and think about how you could schedule similar activities ahead of time, so that they don’t become urgent.
Important but not Urgent
These are the activities that help you achieve your personal and professional goals, and complete important work.
Make sure that you have plenty of time to do these things properly, so that they do not become urgent. Also, remember to leave enough time in your schedule to deal with unforeseen problems. This will maximize your chances of keeping on track, and help you avoid the stress of work becoming more urgent than necessary.
Not Important but Urgent
Urgent but not important tasks are things that prevent you from achieving your goals. Ask yourself whether you can reschedule or delegate them.
A common source of such activities is other people. Sometimes it’s appropriate to say “no” to people politely, or to encourage them to solve the problem themselves. (Our article “‘Yes’ to the Person, ‘No’ to the Task” will help here.)
Alternatively, try to have time slots when you are available, so that people know they can speak with you then. A good way to do this is to arrange regular meetings with those who interrupt you often, so that you can deal with all their issues at once. You’ll then be able to concentrate on your important activities for longer.
Not Important and not Urgent
These activities are just a distraction – avoid them if possible.
You can simply ignore or cancel many of them. However, some may be activities that other people want you to do, even though they don’t contribute to your own desired outcomes. Again, say “no” politely, if you can, and explain why you cannot do it.
If people see that you are clear about your objectives and boundaries, they will often avoid asking you to do “not important” activities in the future